Born 1966, Studied History in Tampere University, MA there in 1993. Diplôme européen d’etude des sources latines écrites du moyen age, FIDEM, Roma, Italia 1994. PhD 2016 (Tampere University). Title of Docent in the University of Turku 2019 (History of traffic and communication). Several research projects on the history of medieval and early modern roads, local history, management of information and communication as well as netwoks of power and migration in the Northern Baltic Sea area since 1991.

Recently published and forthcoming titles

2023 forthcoming

Harjula, Janne & Salminen, Tapio, Medieval Towns. In: Peter Clark & Marjaana Niemi (eds.), The Making of Finnish Cities and Towns: An Urban History c. 1200-2020, (forthcoming 2023).

Salminen, Tapio, The Castellans of Raseborg 1373–1558. In. J. Harjula, T. Heinonen, T., M. Holappa & T. Knuutinen (eds.), New approaches to the Raseborg Castle. Archaeologi Medii Aevi Finlandiae. Suomen keskiajan arkeologian seura, Turku (forthcoming 2023).


Mänd, Anu & Salminen, Tapio, Michel Sittow’s Maternal Grandfather and His Identification in Medieval Sources. Acta Historica Tallinnensia (vol. 27, no 2 (2021).

Salminen, Tapio, Types and Sources of Paper in Late Medieval Finland. A Case Study on Paper in Raseborg Castle Scriptorium in ca. 1390–1435. In: Daniel Bellingradt & Anna Reynolds (eds.), The Paper Trade in Early Modern Europe. Practices, Materials, Networks. Brill: Leiden and Boston, 2021, 169–196.


Salminen, Tapio, City scribes and the management of information: the professionalization of a transgenerational agency and its agents in Tallinn (ca. 1250–1558). In: Anu Mänd & Marek Tamm (eds.), Making Livonia: Actors, Institutions, and Networks in Medieval and Early Modern Baltic Region. Abingdon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2020, 189–211.

Earlier (selection)

Diplomatarium Fennicum (http://df.narc.fi/): Scientific edition and description of nine Finnish parchment documents from 1322–1511 stationed in Tallinn City Archives (DF numbers 6857–6865). Date of publication 24.11.2017.

Salminen, Tapio, Obscure Hands – Trusted Men. Textualization, the Office of the City Scribe and the Written Management of Information and Communication of the Council of Reval (Tallinn) before 1460. PhD-thesis, University of Tampere, History, 2016. (https://trepo.tuni.fi/handle/10024/98249). Open access.

Salminen, Tapio, Common Road, Common Duty – Public Road, Private Space?: King Magnus Eriksson’s law and the understanding of road as a space in late medieval Finland and the Swedish realm. Scandinavian Journal of History, Volume 35, Issue 2 June 2010, 115–134.

Salminen, Tapio, Unknown Hands, Trusted Men. Professional Writing in Finnish Medieval Town Administration. In: Marjaana Niemi & Ville Vuolanto (eds.), Reclaiming the City. Innovation, Culture, Experience. Studia Fennica Historica 6. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 2003, 99–120.

Salminen, Tapio, Multilinguality and Written Correspondence in the Late Medieval Northern Baltics – Reflections of Literacy and Language in the Communication between the Council of Reval and the Finnish Bailiffs. Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung. Zeitschrift des Mediävistenverbandes. Band 2, Heft 1, (1997), 151–162.

For bibliography see: https://researchportal.tuni.fi/en/persons/tapio-salminen-3 and ORCID: 0000-0003-4116-2260.