Emerita Prof. Marjatta HIETALA

University of Tampere Professor of General History 1996-2011 (emerita) President of the International Committee of Historical Sciences (ICHS/ CISH) 2010-2015. The Member of the board of ICHS 2005-, Counseller in the board of the International Committee of Historical Sciences 2015-2020- President, the Finnish National Committee of the International Committee of Historical Sciences (ICHS/ CISH) 2000- Member of the Board, Commission internationale pour l´ histoire des villes (1992-2015 ); Vice President of the council at the John Morton Center in Turku 2014- The Academy of Finland, the Research Council for Culture and Society: Member of the Board 1995-1997, 1998-2000;The Academy of Finland, the Research of the Developing Countries Member (1995-.1999); Member of NOSH 1995-2000. The National Board for National Student examinations: Member 1993-2003; Finnish Historical Society: Invited member 1977-; Member of the Board 1980-1984; 1991-1994; Vice-president 1993; President 1994 Education and degrees awarded: The University of Helsinki: Ph.D. in history 1976, Master of political sciences 1971, Licentiate in history 1970, Master of Arts in history 1968, Bachelor of Arts in history 1967; Privatdozent in Cultural history, University of Turku (1980-), Privatdozent in General history, University of Jyväskylä (1979-), Privatdozent in General history, University of Helsinki (1997-) Positions held Academy professor financed by the Finnish Academy (2002-2007). Visiting Research Fellow at theUniversity of Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Vergleichende Geschichte Europas (2002); Visiting Professor at the Department of History, University of Minnesota, Chairholder of the Finnish Government and David and Nancy Speer Professorship in Finnish Studies (1999); Professor of General History, University of Joensuu (1994-1996), Visiting Professor at the Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York (1988-1989), Senior Research Fellow (1981-1993), The Academy of Finland; Acting as an Associate Professor of General History (1977-1981), Department of History, University of Helsinki; Assistant in General History, (1974-1976) Department of History, University of Helsinki; Researcher, Prime Minister´s Office, Finland (1974-1975); Researcher, Ministry of Interior Affairs in Finland(1971-1974; Assistant in General History, Department of History, University of Helsinki 1970); Amanuensis, Department of History, University of Helsinki (1968) External reviewer on the research at the Oulu University (RAE 2013) External reviewer on research of Historia och mänskliga rättigheter at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Lund.(2013) President of the international Evaluation Board on research at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Oulu (2005); Member of Evaluation Board on research at the Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki (2005) Member of an Evaluation Board on History teaching and research in 20 Swedish universities and colleges – Organised by national Agency for Higher Education.(Utvärderingen av grundutbildning och forskarutbildning i historia vid svenska universitet och höggskolor, Högskoleverkets rapportserie 2003:12 R) Member of the international evaluation board on teaching at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Helsinki (2002) Expert Assessments for the Riksdagens jubileumsfond – Östersjöstiftelse, (Södertörn högskola) (1999); Member of the panel for evaluating the applications in history of Norwegian Research Council (2008); Member of the panel for evaluating applications for the project Nordic Space, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Stockholm (2008) Member of the expert group evaluating Bologna process, Brussel (2007); External reviewer for ESF applications (2005) External reviewer for Professorship of Finnish and Northern Europe History, University of Oulu(2014) The Ministry of Interior Affairs: Member of the Management group of Urban Politics 2000 Member of the Region and Urban Politics Group (2001-2002) The Parliament of Finland: Member of the Committee for the History of Finnish Parliament 2002-2008; Member of the Experienced Experts group appointed by the Committee for Future1999- 2005; Invited Member of the Finnish Academy for Sciences and Letters 1997: Member of the Board 1998-2006 The Academy of Finland, the Research Council for Culture and Society: Member of the Board 1995-1997, 1998-2000;The Academy of Finland, the Research of the Developing Countries Member (1995-.1999); The National Board for National Student examinations: Member 1993-2003; Finnish Historical Society: Invited member 1977-; Member of the Board 1980-1984; 1991-1994; Vice-president 1993; President 1994, Honorary member 2016. Institutum Romanum Finlandiae: Member of the Board 1999-2010 Alfred Kordelin Foundation: member of the scientific section 2002-2011; Alfred Kordelin Foundation, member of the board 2010-2014; Member of the Board of The interdisciplinary graduate school (TITEKO) 2007-2011; National Board for Statistical Library; Member of the Board 1998-2006; Research Institute for IT-society, University of Tampere Member of the Board 2001- 2005; Finnish Social Science Data Archives, Tampere Member of the Board 1998-2007; National Archives of Finland: Member of the Board 1995-2001 Scandinavian Journal of History, member of the editorial board Oversee correspondent Urban History Referee in international Historical journals.

Bibliography since 1998

1998 – Marjatta Hietala: Das deutsche Element als Innovationsträger im Nordosten, In: Der Finnische Meerbusen als Brennpunkt. Wandern und Wirken deutschsprachiger Menschen im europäischen Nordosten, (Hrsg. von Robert Schweitzer und Waltraud Bastman-Bühner), Helsinki 1998, pp. 347-359.
1998 – Marjatta Hietala- Vuokko Lepistö, Arctic Finland and the New Technology of Food Preservation and Refrigeration 1850-1990, in: Food and Material Culture. Proceedings of the fourth symposium of the International Commission for Research into European Food History, (Ed. by Martin Schärer and Alexander Fenton), Tuckwell Press, London 1998, pp. 310-329.
1999 – with Lars Nilsson (eds.), Women in towns: The Social Position of Urban Women in a Historical Context (Studier i stads- och kommunhistoria 18 / Studia historica 60) (Helsinki: Stads- och kommunhistoriska institutet, Historiska institutionen and Finnish Historical Society)
1999 – ‘Finnische Wissenschaftler in Deutschland 1860-1950: Allgemeine Bemerkungen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung medizinischer Kontakte’, in Edgar Hösch, Jorma Kalela und Hermann Beyer-Thoma (Hrsg.), Deutschland und Finnland im 20. Jahrhundert: Verröffentlichungen des Osteuropa-Instituts München Reihe Forschungen zum Ostseeraum: Band 4 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag), pp. 373-394
1999 – Marjatta Hietala (with Lars Nilsson ) (eds. with an introduction), Women in towns. The Social Position of Urban Women in a Historical Context, Studier i stads- och kommunhistoria 18/Studia historica 60, Stads- och kommunhistoriska institutet, Historiska institutionen and Finnish Historical Society, Helsinki 1999.
2000 – Marjatta Hietala, Damage caused by War in Towns. Helsinki and Rovaniemi in the Second World War, in: Stadtzerstörumg und Wiederaufbau/Destruction and Reconstruction of Towns, Vol 2., (Ed/Hrsg. Martin Körner), Verlag Paul Haupt, Bern 2000, pp. 301-325.
2000 – ‘Damage caused by War in Towns: Helsinki and Rovaniemi in the Second World War’, in Martin Körner (ed.), Stadtzerstörung und Wiederaufbau/Destruction and Reconstruction of Towns: Vol 2 (Bern: Verlag Paul Haupt), pp. 301-325
2001 – ‘Foundation of Libraries in the Historical Context’, in Ilkka Mäkinen (ed.), Finnish Public Libraries in the 20th Century (Tampere: Tampere University Press), pp. 7-19
2001 – Marjatta Hietala, Stadtfreiheit und Kulturaustausch als Konstanten im Wesen der Stadt? Zusammenfassende Bemerkungen, in: Die Stadt im Europäischen Nordosten. Kulturbeziehungen von der Ausbreitung des Lübischen Rechts bis zur Aufklärung, (Hrsg. von Robert Schweitzer und Waltraud Bastman-Bühner), Aue-Stiftung, Helsinki und Lübeck 2001, pp.319-334
2001 – Stadtfreiheit und Kulturaustausch als Konstanten im Wesen der Stadt? Zusammenfassende Bemerkungen’, in Robert Schweitzer und Waltraud Bastman-Bühner (Hrsg.), Die Stadt im Europäischen Nordosten: Kulturbeziehungen von der Ausbreitung des Lübischen Rechts bis zur Aufklärung (Helsinki und Lübeck: Aue-Stiftung), pp.319-334
2002 – ‘Urban history in Finland’, in City of Helsinki Urban Facts / Helsingin kaupungin tietokeskuksen neljännesvuosijulkaisu Quarterly/Kvartti 3/2002, pp. 14-17
2002 – with Marjatta Bell, Helsinki – The Innovative City: Historical Perspectives (Jyväskylä: Finnish Literature Society & City of Helsinki Urban Facts)
2002 – ‘Tutkimuksen rahoitus ja kansainväliset yhteydet’, in Päiviö Tommila-Allan Tiitta (eds.), Suomen Tieteen Historia 4: Tieteen ja tutkimuksen yleinen historia 1880-luvulta lähtien (Helsinki: WSOY) (The English translation: Financing of science, humanities and social sciences; International contacts of Finnish scholars.), pp. 492-509, 525-561
2002 – ‘Fear of Fires: Impact of Fires on Towns in Finland at the Beginning of the 19th Century’, in Geneviève Massard-Gilbaud, Harold L. Platt, Dieter Schott (eds.), Cities and Catastrophes: Coping with Emergency in European History / Villes et catastrophes: réactions face à l´urgence dans l´histoire européenne (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang), pp. 141-162
2003 – ‘Food and Nature produce from Finland´s forests during the twentieth century’, in Marjatta Hietala-Tanja Vahtikari (eds.), The Landscape of Food: The Food Relationship of Town and Country in Modern Times (Studia Fennica Historica 4) (Tampere: Finnish Literature Society)
2003 – ‘Urban History in Finland’, in Stadtgeschichte und Historische Informationssysteme: Der Ostseeraum im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert (Beiträge des wissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums in Rostock vom 21. bis 22. März 2002)
2003 – Marjatta Hietala, Transfer of German and Scandinavian Administrative Knowledge: Examples from Helsinki and the Association of Finnish Cities, 1870-1939, in: Formation and Transfer städtischen Verwaltungswissens, Hrsg. Nico Randeraad, Jahrbuch für Europäische Verwaltungsgeschichte 15, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden 2003 pp.109-130.
2003 – ‘Transfer of German and Scandinavian Administrative Knowledge: Examples from Helsinki and the Association of Finnish Cities, 1870-1939’, in Nico Randeraad (Hrsg.), Formation and Transfer städtischen Verwaltungswissens (Jahrbuch für Europäische Verwaltungsgeschichte 15) (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft)
2004 – – ‘Zum Schularzt gehen, Milch trinken, Sport treiben. Hygiene als Volksaufklärung oder Sozialdisziplinierung’ , in “Sei sauber…!” Eine Geschichte der Hygiene und Öffentlichen Gesundheitsvorsorge in Europa (Herausgegeben vom Musée d’Histoire de la Ville Luxembourg) (Köln: Wienand Verlag)
2005 – Marjatta Hietala (with Mervi Kaarninen), The Foundation of an Information City: Education and Culture the Development f Tampere, in e-City.Analysing Efforts to Generate Local Dynamism in the City of Tampere, (Eds. Antti Kasvio &Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko), Tampere University Press, Tampere 2005, pp. 183-215.
2006 – Marjatta Hietala (with Peter Clark), Helsinki and Green space, introduction, 1850-2000, The European City and Green Space. London, Stockholm, Helsinki and St. Petersburg, 1850-2000, (ed. Peter Clark), Ashgate, Padstow 2006, pp. 175-187.
2006 – Hietala, Marjatta, The development of international contacts in the 20th century, Research in Finland – A History, ed. Päiviö Tommila Aura Korppi-Tommola (eds.), Helsinki University Press 2006, 131-146.
2006 – Marjatta Hietala, Viborg and its Innovativeness. The Cosmopolitan City of Finland in Karelia until 1940, in, Sakta vi gå genom stan. City Strolls, Stockholm 2006,
2006 – Marjatta Hietala (ed. with an introduction including the article Tutkijat ja Saksan suunta (Contacts between Finnish and German Scholars and Reseachers during the Second World War, pp. 30-141). Tutkijat ja sota. Suomalaisten tutkijoiden kontakteja ja kohtaloita toisen maailmansodan aikana ( Researchers and the War. Contacts and fates during the Second World War). Historiallinen Arkisto 121, Finnish Literature Society , Helsinki 2006.
2007 – Marjatta Hietala, Den historiska forskningslandskap i Norden i dag – hvilken plassa har den lokala dimenjonen i Finland? in , Sted, tillhörighet og historisk forskning. Lokalhistoriens form och funksjon i det 21. århundre, Norsk lokalhistorisk institutt, Oslo 2007, 165-174.
2007 – Marjatta Hietala (with Sven Lilja), Markets and Urbanization in Finland and Sweden prior to 1800, Messen, Jahrmärkte und Stadtentwicklung in Europa/ Foires, marchés annuels et développement urbain en Europe, (eds Franz Irsigler and Michel Pauly), Beiträge zur Landes-und Kulturgeschichte, Porta Alba, Trier 2007
2007 – Marjatta Hietala, Infrastructure for working class areas in Helsinki.Stockholms Lilja. Stadshistoriska studier tillägnade Professorni i Stockholms historia (red. Lars Nilsson). Studier i stad och kommunhistoria 32, Stockholm 2007, p75-87,
2008 – Marjatta Hietala, Dr. Agnes Sjöberg, die erste Tierärztin Europas, Women in the Academy. Auswahl von Vorträgen anlässlich des Finnish-Deutschen Seminars über Frauen in der Wissenschaft gehalten am 19.-20 2006 in Berlin, red. Uta-Maria Liertz und Robert Schweitzer, Arcturus. Deutschsprachiger Raum und europäischer Nordosten, Aue-Säätiön julkaisuja/Veröffentlichungen der Aue Stiftung 5/2008, 57-67.
2008 – Marjatta Hietala, Epilogue, Cities, Competition, and Cooperation. Prospect meets Retrospect in Another Global City. Historical Explorations into the Transnational Municipal Moment, 1850-2000 (eds. Pierre-Yves Saunier and Shane Ewan), Palgrave-Macmillan, New York 2008, 185-193
2008 – Marjatta Hietala, Helsinki -Examples of Urban Creativity and Innovativeness, in Creative Urban Milieus. Historical Perspectives on Culture, Economy, and the City, (eds, Martina Hessler and Clemens Zimmermann) Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/New York, 2008, pp.335-352
2009 – Marjatta Hietala (with Martti Häikiö), Finland´s road to an innovative society, in Challenges for Finland and Democracy. Parliament of Finland Centennial, Edita, Helsinki 2009
2009 – Marjatta Hietala (with Martti Helminen and Merja Lahtinen, toim./eds.) Helsinki. Helsingfors. Historiallinen Kartasto, Historic Towns Atlas, Scandinavian Atlas of Historic Towns, New Series No2, Finland, Helsingin kaupungin tietokeskus Helsinki Urban Facts, Hämeenlinna 2009
2012 – Marjatta Hietala, New Challenges for Urban History: Culture, Networks, Globalization, Culture & History Digital Journal 1(2) December 2012, http://cultureandhistory.revistas.csic.es/index.php/cultureandhistory/article/view/9/74
2013 – arjatta Hietala (with Peter Clark), Creative Cities, in: The Oxford Handbook of Cities in World History, (ed. by Peter Clark) Oxford University Press 2013
2013 – Marjatta Hietala (with Peter Clark), Creative Cities, in: The Oxford Handbook of Cities in World History, (ed. by Peter Clark) Oxford University Press 2013, pp.720-736.
2013 – Marjatta Hietala, Methodological Aspects Pertaining to Finnish and Scandinavian Historic Town Atlases, in Städteatlanten. Vier Jahrzehnte Atlasarbeit in Europe, Hrsg. Wilfried Ehbrecht, Böhlau, Städteforschung, Reihe A. Darstellungen, 2013
2015 – Marjatta Hietala, Upplysning om hygien.Utländska influenser på finska läkare´s engangemang inom livsmedelskontrollen I Finland, in Mot ett modernt livsmedelskontroll I Sverige och I Norden 1850-1950, ed. Per Eriksson, Skogs-och lantbrukshistoriska meddelanden nr 66, Kongliga Skogs och lantbruksakedemien 2015.
2015 – Marjatta Hietala, Town Plans as Expressions of Political and Economic Power and Ecclesiastical Organizations in Scandinavia, in Lords and Towns in Medieval Europe. The European Historic Towns Atlas Project, eds. Anngret Simms and Howard B. Clark, Ashgate 2015
2016 – Marjatta Hietala (ed.with Katia Pizzi), Cold War Cities: History, Culture, Memory, Peter Lang 2016.
2016 – Marjatta Hietala, Berliini tieteen ja kulttuurin kohtauspaikkana. Taiteilijat ja tutkijat tietoa ja inspiraatiota etsimässä, teoksessa Kaupunki tapahtumien näyttämönä (Berlin as the meeting point for artists and researchers). in Cities as scenes of different activities”, eds. Mervi Kaarninen, Tanja Vahtikari ja Timo Vilén, Finnish Literature Society 2016,
2016 – Hietala M. (Finljandija), Dejatel’nost’ i rol’ Aleksandra Gejštora v Meždunarodnom komitete istoričeskih nauk, Institut vseobščej istorii RAN Institut istorii nauki PAN, Gumanitarnaja akademija im. Aleksandra Gejštora, Pol’ša, Rossija i Evropa v sud’be istorika, K stoletiju Aleksandra Gejštora, Moskva 2016, 95-10.