Emeritus Prof. Howard Brian CLARKE

Retired from University College Dublin in 2005. Member of the Royal Irish Academy and its academic secretary 2005-09; general editor of the Irish Historic Towns Atlas.

Bibliography since 1998

1998 – ‘Urbs et suburbium: beyond the walls of medieval Dublin’ in C. Manning (ed.), Dublin and beyond the Pale: Studies in Honour of Patrick Healy (Wordwell, Bray, 1998), pp. 45–58.
1998 – [Editor with A. Simms and R. Gillespie] K.M. Davies, Bray (Royal Irish Academy, Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no. 9, Dublin, 1998), 16 pp. with maps and plates.
1998 – [Editor with M. Ní Mhaonaigh and R. Ó Floinn], Ireland and Scandinavia in the Early Viking Age (Four Courts Press, Dublin, 1998), xxiii + 468 pp.
1998 – ‘Proto-towns and towns in Ireland and Britain in the ninth and tenth centuries’, in [Editor with M. Ní Mhaonaigh and R. Ó Floinn], Ireland and Scandinavia in the Early Viking Age (Four Courts Press, Dublin, 1998), pp. 331–80.
1999 – ‘The city of Dublin and its satellite townships’ in E.P. Dennison (ed.), Conservation and Change in Historic Towns: Research Directions for the Future (Council for British Archaeology Research Reports, no. 122, York, 1999), pp. 145–57.
1999 – ‘London and Dublin’ in F. Bocchi (ed.), Medieval Metropolises: Proceedings of the Congress of the Atlas Working Group, International Commission for the History of Towns, Bologna 8–10 maggio 1997 (Grafis Edizioni, Attraverso le città italiane, no. 6, Bologna, 1999), pp. 103–25.
2000 – ‘Conversion, church and cathedral: the diocese of Dublin to 1152’ in J. Kelly and D. Keogh (eds), History of the Catholic Diocese of Dublin (Four Courts Press, Dublin, 2000), pp. 19–50.
2000 – [Editor with A. Simms and R. Gillespie] J. Bradley, Kilkenny (Royal Irish Academy, Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no. 10, Dublin, 2000), 28 pp. with maps and plates.
2000 – ‘Kingdom, emporium and town: the impact of Viking Dublin’, History Studies (University of Limerick History Society Journal), ii (2000), pp. 13–24.
2000 – ‘Decolonization and the dynamics of urban decline in Ireland, 1300–1550’ in T.R. Slater (ed.), Towns in Decline, AD 100–1600 (Ashgate, Aldershot, 2000), pp. 157–92.
2001 – Review of A. Halpin, The Port of Medieval Dublin: Archaeological Excavations at the Civic Offices, Winetavern Street, Dublin, 1993 (Dublin, 2000); S. Duffy (ed.), Medieval Dublin I: Proceedings of the Friends of Medieval Dublin Symposium 1999 (Dublin, 2000) in Medieval Archaeology, xlv (2001), pp. 406–7.
2001 – ‘Commune et communauté: l’administration municipale à Draguignan au XIVe siècle (1369–1383)’ in P. Gayrard (ed.), Draguignan à la fin du moyen âge, special number of the Bulletin de la Société d’études scientifiques et archéologiques de Draguignan et du Var, xli (2001), pp. 13–57.
2002 – Dublin, Part I, to 1610 (Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no. 11, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2002), 36 pp. with maps and plates.
2003 – The Four Parts of the City: High Life and Low Life in the Suburbs of Medieval Dublin (The Sir John T. Gilbert Commemorative Lecture, 2001, Dublin City Public Libraries, Dublin, 2003), 24 pp. Reprinted in M. Kennedy and A. Smeaton (eds), The Sir John T. Gilbert Commemorative Lectures 1998–2007 (Dublin City Public Libraries, Dublin, 2009), pp. 57–78.
2003 – [With S. Dent and R. Johnson] Dublinia, the Story of Medieval Dublin (The O’Brien Press, Dublin, 2002; repr. 2008), 128 pp., winner of the ‘Best Publication Award 2003’ (Heritage Council and Northern Ireland Museums Council), 25 November 2003.
2003 – [Editor with A. Simms and R. Gillespie] T. O’Keeffe, Fethard (Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no. 13, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2003), 12 pp. with maps and plates.
2003 – [Editor with A. Simms and R. Gillespie] R. Gillespie and S.A. Royle, Belfast, Part 1, to 1840 (Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no. 12, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2003), 40 pp. with maps and plates.
2003 – ‘Primary historical sources’ in J. Carroll (compiler), R. Johnson and D. Ó Dúlaing (eds), Dublin City: Sources for Archaeologists (Dublin City Council, Dublin, 2003), pp. 21–4.
2004 – [With R. Johnson and L. Simpson] Walks around Medieval Dublin (Dublin City Council and the Friends of Medieval Dublin, Dublin, 2004), brochure.
2004 – ‘Dublin to 1610: Irish Historic Towns Atlas no. 11’, History Ireland, xii, no. 1 (2004), gatefold insert.
2004 – ‘Christian cults and cult-centres in Hiberno-Norse Dublin and its hinterland’ in A. MacShamhráin (ed.), The Island of St Patrick: Church and Ruling Dynasties in Fingal and Meath, 400–1148 (Four Courts Press, Dublin, 2004), pp. 140–58.
2004 – [Editor with A. Simms and R. Gillespie] M. Hennessy, Trim (Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no. 14, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2004), 16 pp. with maps and plates.
2004 – [Series editor with A. Simms and R. Gillespie] C.E.B. Brett with R. Gillespie and W.A. Maguire, Georgian Belfast, 1750–1850: Maps, Buildings and Trades (Royal Irish Academy and the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society, Dublin and Belfast, 2004), iv + 76 pp. with maps.
2004 – ‘Angliores ipsis Anglis: the place of medieval Dubliners in English history’, in [Editor with J. Prunty and M. Hennessy] Surveying Ireland’s Past: Multidisciplinary Essays in Honour of Anngret Simms (Geography Publications, Dublin, 2004), pp. 41–72.
2004 – [Editor with J. Prunty and M. Hennessy] Surveying Ireland’s Past: Multidisciplinary Essays in Honour of Anngret Simms (Geography Publications, Dublin, 2004), xxxii + 802 pp.
2005 – [Series editor with A. Simms and R. Gillespie] W.S. Ferguson, Maps and Views of Derry 1600–1914, a Catalogue (Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2005), xiv + 108 pp.
2005 – [Editor with A. Simms and R. Gillespie] A. Thomas, Derry~Londonderry (Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no. 15, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2005), 47 pp. with maps and plates.
2005 – [Editor with A. Simms and R. Gillespie] Irish Historic Towns Atlas, vol. ii (Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2005), vi + 100 pp. (separately paginated) with maps and plates.
2005 – ‘The early development of Dublin’ in C. Casey, Dublin: the City within the Grand and Royal Canals and the Circular Road with the Phoenix Park (The Buildings of Ireland, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2005), pp. 10–19.
2005 – “Go then south to Dublin; that is now the most praiseworthy voyage.” What would Brynjólfr’s son have found there?’ in A. Mortensen and S.V. Arge (eds), Viking and Norse in the North Atlantic: Select Papers from the Proceedings of the Fourteenth Viking Congress, Tórshavn, 19–30 July 2001 (Annales Societatis Scientiarum Færoensis, Supplementum XLIV, Tórshavn, 2005), pp. 441–5.
2006 – Review of W.J. Smyth, Map-making, Landscapes and Memory: a Geography of Colonial and Early Modern Ireland c. 1530–1750 (Cork, 2006) in Irish Arts Review, xxiii, no. 4 (2006), pp. 158–9.
2006 – Review of J. Crowley, R. Devoy, D. Linehan and P. O’Flanagan with M. Murphy (eds), Atlas of Cork City (Cork, 2005) in Irish Arts Review, xxiii, no. 1 (2006), pp. 137–8.
2006 – [Editor with A. Simms and R. Gillespie] H. O’Sullivan, Dundalk (Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no. 16, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2006), 24 pp. with maps and plates.
2006 – ‘Street life in medieval Dublin’, in [Editor with J.R.S. Phillips] Ireland, England and the Continent in the Middle Ages and Beyond: Essays in Memory of a Turbulent Friar, F.X. Martin, O.S.A. (University College Dublin Press, Dublin, 2006 pp. 145–63.
2006 – [Editor with J.R.S. Phillips] Ireland, England and the Continent in the Middle Ages and Beyond: Essays in Memory of a Turbulent Friar, F.X. Martin, O.S.A. (University College Dublin Press, Dublin, 2006), xxiii + 360 pp.
2006 – ‘The christianisation of the Dublin Vikings’ in J.R. Bartlett and S.D. Kinsella (eds), Two Thousand Years of Christianity and Ireland: Lectures delivered in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, 2001–2002 (Columba Press, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, 2006), pp. 36–49.
2007 – [Editor with J.H. Andrews, A. Simms and R. Gillespie] Irish Historic Towns Atlas [nos 1–16 on CD-ROM] (Arcanum Adatbázis, Budapest, 2007).
2007 – [Editor with A. Simms and R. Gillespie] C. McCullough and W.H. Crawford, Armagh (Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no. 18, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2007), 27 pp. with maps and plates.
2007 – [Series editor with A. Simms and R. Gillespie] R. Gillespie and S.A. Royle, Belfast c. 1600 to c. 1900: the Making of the Modern City (Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2007), 19 pp. with large-scale map.
2007 – [Editor with A. Simms and R. Gillespie] S.A. Royle, Belfast, Part I1, 1840 to 1900 (Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no. 17, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2007), 90 pp. with maps and plates.
2007 – [With others] Medieval Dublin from Vikings to Tudors (DVD, The Farm, Dublin, 2007).
2008 – [Series editor with A. Simms and R. Gillespie] L. Doran, New Ross c. 1200 to c. 1900: Seven Hundred Years in the Making (Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2008), 19 pp. with large-scale map.
2008 – ‘Joining the club: a Spanish historic towns atlas?’, Imago temporis. Medium Aevum, ii (2008), pp. 27–43.
2008 – ‘Taking a long-term view: a note on Richard III and Dublin’, The Ricardian, xviii (2008), pp. 54–7.
2008 – [Editor with A. Simms, R. Gillespie and J. Prunty] C. Lennon, Dublin, Part I1, 1610 to 1756 (Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no. 19, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2008), 40 pp. with maps and plates.
2009 – ‘External influences and relations, c. 1220 to c. 1500’, in ‘Cult, church and collegiate church before c. 1220’ in J. Crawford and R. Gillespie (eds), St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin: a History (Four Courts Press, Dublin, 2009) pp. 73–95.
2009 – ‘Cathedral, close and community, c. 1220 to c. 1500’, in ‘Cult, church and collegiate church before c. 1220’ in J. Crawford and R. Gillespie (eds), St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin: a History (Four Courts Press, Dublin, 2009), pp. 45–72.
2009 – ‘Cult, church and collegiate church before c. 1220’ in J. Crawford and R. Gillespie (eds), St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin: a History (Four Courts Press, Dublin, 2009), pp. 23–44.
2009 – [Series editor with A. Simms, R. Gillespie and J. Prunty] C. Lennon, Dublin 1610 to 1756: the Making of the Early Modern City (Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2009), 16 pp. with large-scale map.
2009 – [Editor with A. Simms, R. Gillespie and J. Prunty] J.A. Claffey, Tuam (Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no. 20, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2009), 20 pp. with maps and plates.
2009 – ‘Lines of communication in medieval Dublin’ in N. Budak (ed.), Towns and Communication, i, Communication in Towns (Leykam International, Zagreb, 2009), pp. 21–45.
2010 – [Series editor with A. Simms, R. Gillespie and J. Prunty] C. Lennon and J. Montague, John Rocque’s Dublin: a Guide to the Georgian City (Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2010), xxiv + 82 pp.
2010 – ‘The social structure and topography of Dublin from the Viking period to the end of the thirteenth century’ (with German summary) in F. Opll and C. Sonnlechner (eds), Europäische Städte im Mittelalter (Forschungen und Beiträge zur Wiener Stadtgeschichte, vol. 52; also Veröffentlichungen des Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchivs, Reihe C: Sonderpublikationen, vol. 14, Innsbruck, 2010), pp. 179–201.
2010 – [Editor with A. Simms, R. Gillespie and J. Prunty] E. O’Flaherty, Limerick (Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no. 21, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2010), 60 pp. with maps and plates.
2010 – [Editor with A. Simms, R. Gillespie and J. Prunty] S. Gearty, M. Morris and F. O’Ferrall, Longford (Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no. 22, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2010), 19 pp. with maps and plates.
2011 – Review of A. Empey (ed.), The Proctors’ Accounts of the Parish Church of St Werburgh, Dublin, 1481–1627 (Dublin, 2009) in Search: a Church of Ireland Journal, xxxiv, no. 1 (2011), pp. 75–6.
2011 – [Series editor with A. Simms, R. Gillespie and J. Prunty] E. O’Flaherty and J. Moore, Limerick c. 840 to c. 1900: Viking Longphort to Victorian City (Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2011), 20 pp. with large-scale map.
2011 – [Editor with A. Simms, R. Gillespie and J. Prunty] H. O’Sullivan and R. Gillespie, Carlingford (Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no. 23, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2011), 15 pp. with maps and plates.
2011 – ‘Viking Age Dublin’ (with Russian summary) in Committee for External Relations of St Petersburg, St Petersburg – Ireland: People and Events (Evropeiskii Dom, St Petersburg, 2011), pp. 344–54.
2011 – [With J. Prunty] Reading the Maps: a Guide to the Irish Historic Towns Atlas (Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2011), xxi + 242 pp.
2012 – [Editor with A. Simms, R. Gillespie and J. Prunty] B. Ó Dálaigh, Ennis (Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no. 25, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2012), 27 pp. with maps and plates.
2012 – [Editor with A. Simms, R. Gillespie and J. Prunty] Irish Historic Towns Atlas, vol. iii (Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2012), vi + 177 pp. (separately paginated) with maps and plates.
2012 – [Editor with A. Simms, R. Gillespie and J. Prunty] F. Gallagher and M.-L. Legg, Sligo (Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no. 24, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2012), 27 pp. with maps and plates.
2012 – ‘From Dyflinnarskíri to the Pale: defining and defending a medieval city-state, 1000–1500’ in J. Ní Ghrádaigh and E. O’Byrne (eds), The March in the Islands of the Medieval West (Brill, Leiden and Boston, 2012), pp. 35–52.
2013 – ‘Quo vadis? Mapping the Irish “monastic town”’ in S. Duffy (ed.), Princes, Prelates and Poets in Medieval Ireland: Essays in Honour of Katharine Simms (Four Courts Press, Dublin, 2013), pp. 261–78.
2013 – [Editor with S. Gearty] Maps and Texts: Exploring the Irish Historic Towns Atlas (Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2013), xxiii + 311 pp.
2013 – [With S. Gearty] ‘Multi-dimensionality’, in [Editor with S. Gearty] Maps and Texts: Exploring the Irish Historic Towns Atlas (Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2013), pp. 3–15.
2013 – [With S. Gearty] ‘Maps and texts in comparative dimensions’, in [Editor with S. Gearty] Maps and Texts: Exploring the Irish Historic Towns Atlas (Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2013), pp. 297–301.
2013 – ‘Construction and deconstruction. Components of an historic towns atlas methodology’ in W. Ehbrecht (ed.), Städteatlanten. Vier Jahrzehnte Atlasarbeit in Europa (Städteforschung, Reihe A: Darstellungen, vol. 80, Cologne, Weimar and Vienna, 2013), pp. 31–53.
2014 – [Editor with A. Simms, R. Gillespie and J. Prunty] R. Goodbody, Dublin, Part III, 1756 to 1847 (Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no. 26, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2014), 106 pp. with maps and plates.
2014 – ‘Cities and their spaces. The hinterlands of medieval Dublin’ in M. Pauly and M. Scheutz (eds), Cities and their Spaces. Concepts and their Use in Europe (Städteforschung, Reihe A: Darstellungen, vol. 88, Cologne, Weimar and Vienna, 2014), pp. 197–215.
2014 – ‘Cities and their spaces. The hinterlands of medieval Dublin’ in M. Pauly and M. Scheutz (eds), Cities and their Spaces. Concepts and their Use in Europe (Städteforschung, Reihe A: Darstellungen, vol. 88, Cologne, Weimar and Vienna, 2014), pp. 197–215.
2015 – [Series editor with A. Simms, R. Gillespie and J. Prunty] J. Prunty and P. Walsh, Galway c. 1200 to c. 1900: from Medieval Borough to Modern City (Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2015), 17 pp. with large-scale map.
2015 – [Editor with A. Simms] Lords and Towns in Medieval Europe: the European Historic Towns Atlas Project (Ashgate, Farnham and Burlington, VT, 2015), xxii + 552 pp.
2015 – [With A. Simms] ‘Introduction’, in [Editor with A. Simms] Lords and Towns in Medieval Europe: the European Historic Towns Atlas Project (Ashgate, Farnham and Burlington, VT, 2015), pp. 1–9.
2015 – ‘Planning and regulation in the formation of new towns and new quarters in Ireland, 1170–1641’, in [Editor with A. Simms] Lords and Towns in Medieval Europe: the European Historic Towns Atlas Project (Ashgate, Farnham and Burlington, VT, 2015). pp. 321–53.
2015 – [Editor with A. Simms, R. Gillespie and J. Prunty] D. Kelly and T. O’Keeffe, Youghal (Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no. 27, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2015), 32 pp. with maps and plates.
2015 – [Series editor with A. Simms, R. Gillespie and J. Prunty] F. Cullen, Dublin 1847: City of the Ordnance Survey (Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2015), xii + 108 pp.
2016 – [Editor with A. Simms, R. Gillespie and J. Prunty] J. Prunty and P. Walsh, Galway/Gallaibh (Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no. 28, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2016), 48 pp. with maps and plates.