Prof. Jelena MRGIĆ

-January 2007 Ph.D. in History, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade Dissertation: “Northern Bosnia: Land – History – People
– October 2001 M.A. in History, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
– February 1997 B.A. in History, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, 1997
– February 2014 – Present: Associate Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
– Sept. 2007 – February 2014: Assistant Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
– April 2002 – Sept. 2007: Teaching Assistant, Department of History, Belgrade
– Sept. 1997 – April 2002: Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of History, Belgrad

Bibliography since 2002

2002 – Donji Kraji. Krajina srednjovekovne Bosne (Donji Kraji. Mark of the Medieval Bosnia) (Belgrade: Faculty of Philosophy, 2002): 399 pp. (24 cm, B5), with 7 historical maps, ill.; English Summary (p. 317-341); bibliographical references (p.344-361), Registers of personal and geographical names (p.365-398); subject term: Donji Kraji 1180-1528; Family of Hrvatinić 13th-15th century; geographical term: northwest Bosnia – historical geography. ISBN: 86-80269-59-X.
2007 – ‘Transition from Late Medieval to Early Ottoman Settlement Patterns. A Case Study of Northern Bosnia’, Südost-Forschungen 65-66 (2006-2007): 50-86
2007 – ‘“Let it be known when ashes fell from the sky” – The Eruption of Vesuvius 1631 AD and the Balkan lands, Etudes Balcanique 3 (Sofia, 2007): 107-113
2008 – Severna Bosna (13.–16. vek), (Northern Bosnia, 13th – 16th centuries) (Belgrade: Institute of History, 2008): XIII+469 pp. (24 cm, B5), ill., 7 historical maps; English summary 377-401 pp; Dictionary of Ottoman terms; Register of terms, personal and geographical names; Bibliography 408-440; subject term: Northern Bosnia, 13th – 16th centuries, historical geography. ISBN: 978-86-7743-071-9.
2010 – ‘Survey of historiography on the medieval towns, fortresses and market places in the Serbian lands’, in Lexicon of Towns and Market Places in the Medieval Serbian Lands (According to Written Sources), ed. S. Mišić (Begrade: Zavod – Serbian State Publisher of Textbooks, 2010): 15–22 (in Serbian Cyrillic), 325–332 (in English), (33 cm, B3), with 49 entries and historical map of settlements
2010 – ‘Some Considerations on Woodland Resource in the Medieval Serbia and Bosnia’, Beogradski Istorijski Glasnik/Belgrade Historical Review, vol. 1 (2010) 87—101.
2011 – ‘Criss-crossing the Danube with Marsigli’, Beogradski Istorijski Glasnik/Belgrade Historical Review 2 (2011) 165–175.
2011 – ‘Tracking the Mapmaker – The Role of Marsigli’s Itineraries and Surveys at Karlowitz and Passarowitz’, in The Peace of Passarowitz 1718, eds. Ch.W. Ingrao, J. Pešalj, N. Samardžić, Purdue University Press 2011, 221—237
2011 – ‘Cives et Civitates. Urban studies in recent Serbian historiography’, у: Споменица Сими Ћирковићу, ed. С. Рудић, Историјски институт – Београд 2011, 245-259.
2011 – ‘Wine or rakı – The Interplay of Climate and Society in the Early Modern Ottoman Bosnia’ Environment & History vol. 17, No. 4 (November 2011) pp. 613-637
2012 – Проучавање “централних” насеља у историјској географији Bизантијског царствана на Балкану и могућности примене нове методологије [Study of “Central Places” in the Historical Geography of the Byzantine Empire in the Balkans and Possibilities of Applying the New Methodologies]. У: КРСМАНОВИЋ, Бојана (ур.), МАКСИМОВИЋ, Љубомир (ур.), РАДИЋ, Радивој (ур.). Византијски свет на Балкану. Књ. 2, [The Byzantine World in the Balkans] (Посебна издања, књ. 42/2). Београд: Византолошки институ САНУ 2012, 285-297.
2013 – ZEMLJA I LJUDI – IZ ISTORIJE ŽIVOTNE SREDINE ZAPADNOG BALKANA, (Land and People – From the Environmental History of the Western Balkans) Beograd – Equilibrium 2013, 159 стр, XVI str. ilustr., 24 cm; review: Prof. dr Oliver Jens Schmitt (Institut für Osteuropäische Geschichte, Universität Wien, Österreich); English summary 123–128. str.; ISBN: 978-86-82937-13-5.
2014 – Rocks, Waters, and Bushes – What did the Ragusan Commune Aquire from the Bosnian king Stephan Ostoja in 1399? An Environmental History Approach, in: Man, Nature and Environment Between the Northern Adriatic and the Eastern Alps in Premodern Times, eds. P. Štih – Ž. Zwitter, Ljubljana 2014, 102–124.
2016 – The „land“ of Bosnia in the heart of Bosnia, in: Vlada Stanković (ed.), The Balkans and the Byzantine World before and after the Captures of Constantinople, 1204 and 1453, Lexington Books 2016, 978-1-4985-1325-8, pp. 155-170.

Complete bibliography