Prof. Laurentiu RADVAN

Since August 2020, Vice Dean of the Faculty of History, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi; 2012-2020, director of the Department of History. 2013-present day – Professor at the Faculty of History of the same university. Currently holding the following courses: Medieval Europe (5th to 10th century); Urban structures and institutions in the Middle Ages; also Master courses. My main field of interest is urban history. Up to now, I have published several books (four books as single author and five volumes of studies) and over 60 articles on this subject, with other studies due for publication. In 2006, my book Orasele din Tara Romaneasca pana la sfarsitul secolului al XVI-lea [Towns in Wallachia until the end of the 16th century] received the Romanian Academy Award. I was involved in four research grants focused on the history of medieval towns. I also take interest in social history (two volume of studies), editing historical sources (one volume) and the study of paleography and genealogy. Ever since 1998, I have been a member of the Commission for the History of Towns in Romania of the Romanian Academy, and since 2009 I represent Romania in The International Commission for the History of Towns. Since 2006, I have been the Romanian collaborator for the International Medieval Bibliography (IMB) project (coordinated by Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds, UK). In 2008, I received a Fulbright senior grant, with research on the subject: Medieval towns in East-Central Europe Ò a comparative approach (13th century-beginning of the 16th century) at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, USA. Editor in chief of the journal “Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iasi, History series, and member in the editorial board of “Historia Urbana”.

Recently Published Titles


Planurile orașului Iași în arhive străine (1739-1833) / The City Plans of Iași în Foreign Archives (1739-1833). Eds. L. Rădvan, M. A. Ciobanu. București/Heidelberg: Dar Publishing & Herlo Verlag.


Orașul și Biserica: patrimoniu, oameni, activități (secolele XV-XIX) [The Town and the Church: heritage, people, activities (15th-19th centuries)]. Ed. L. Rădvan. Iași: Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”.

Social and Political Elites in Eastern and Central Europe (15th-18th Centuries). Eds. L. Rădvan, C. Luca and A. Simon. London: School of Slavonic and East European Studies UCL (coll. Studies in Russia and Eastern Europe, 12).

Iaşi – oraş al diversităţii. Categorii etnice și minorități în secolele XV-XX: aspecte sociale, economice și culturale [Iași – city of diversity. Ethnic categories and minorities in the 15th-20th centuries: social, economic and cultural aspects] Iași. Editura Ars Longa.

Orașe vechi, orașe noi în spațiul românesc. Societate, economie și civilizație urbană în prag de modernitate (sec. XVI-jumătatea sec. XIX) [Old towns and new towns in the Romanian area. Urban society, economy and civilization on the verge of modernity (16th century – middle of the 19th century)] Iaşi. Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”.

Retrospecții medievale. In honorem Professoris emeriti Ioan Caproșu. Eds. V. Spinei, L.Rădvan and A. M. Bodale. Iași: Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”.

With Bogdan Capraru, eds. Orașele, orășenii și banii: atitudini, activități, instituții, implicații (sec. XVI-XX) [Towns, townspeople and money: attitudes, activities, institutions and implications (16th-20th centuries), Iași: Editura Universitatii Al. I. Cuza.

Orașele din țările române în evul mediu (sfârșitul sec. al XIII-lea – începutul sec. al XVI-lea) [Towns in the Romanian principalities in the Middle Ages (the end of the 13th century – the beginning of the 16th century), Iasi: Editura Universitatii Al. I. Cuza.

At Europe’s Borders: Medieval Towns in the Romanian Principalities, Leiden: Brill.

ed. Oraşul din spaţiul românesc între Orient şi Occident. Tranziţia de la medievalitate la modernitate [The Town in the Romanian Area between East and West. The Passage from Medieval to Modern Times], Iaşi: Editura Universitatii Al. I. Cuza

ed. Civilizaţia urbană din spaţiul românesc in secolele XVI-XVIII. Studii şi documente [Urban Civilization in the Romanian Area between the 16th and the 18th Century. Studies and Documents], Iaşi: Editura Universitatii Al. I. Cuza.

Oraşele din Ţara Românească până la sfârşitul secolului al XVI-lea [Towns in Wallachia until the End of the 16th Century], Iaşi: Editura Universitatii Al. I. Cuza

Oraşele din Ţara Românească până la sfârşitul secolului al XVI-lea [Towns in Wallachia until the End of the 16th Century], Iaşi: Editura Universitatii Al. I. Cuza

Bibliography: For the complete CV and bibliography, see