Information on Urban History and Urban Historical Research in Estonia

by Juhan Kreem


1. Associations and Societies on Urban History:

There are no official associations and societies on Urban history, but there are centres for urban history in the research Institutes, such as: Historians in Estonia are gathered in two major societies:

2. City Archives, or general information about city Archives

3. Journals:

4. Journals for Regional History including relevant contributions on Urban History:

5. Bibliographies

An overview of the field with extensive footnotes could be found in: Juhan Kreem: Was ist Stadtgeschichte in Estland? in: Stadtgeschichte des Baltikums oder baltische Stadtgeschichte? Annäherungen an ein neues Forschungsfeld zur baltischen Geschichte, Hg. Heidi Hein-Kircher und Ilgvars Misāns, Marburg: Herder-Institut 2015, (Tagungen zur Ostmitteleuropaforschung 33.), pp. 61–73.

6. Main Reference Works on Urban History in Estonia:

  • General: Eesti linnaehituse ajalugu. Keskajast tsaariaja lõpuni, ed. by Anneli Randla, Tallinn 2019.Entsüklopeedia Tallinn, (vol. 1-2). Tallinn 2004