Information on Urban History and Urban Historical Research in Slovakia
by Juraj Šedivý

1. Associations and Societies on Urban History

  • Sekcia pre dejiny miest Slovenskej historickej spoločnosti (Section of Urban History at the Slovak Historical Society‘).

2. City Archives

Other important archives with fonds/collections concerning the urban history:

Online: a comprehensive memory portal for the history of Slovak cities – Fb

3. Journals

  • Mesto a dejiny (‘City and History’ – two times a year, ed. Institute for History, P. J. Šafárik-University in Košice).
  • Bratislava. Zborník Múzea mesta Bratislavy (‘Bratislava. Yearbook of a Municipal Museum of Bratislava’ – annually, ed. Municipal Museum of Bratislava).
  • Woch (‘Woch /name of a first known citizen of Pressburg/Bratislava/’ – annually, ed. Association for Embelishment of Bratislava).
  • Pamiatky Trnavy a Trnavského kraja (journal for history of the city Trnava and its region).

4. Journals for Regional History including relevant contributions on Urban History

  • Bibliography of regional journals and historical works relevant for western part of Slovakia is available online: František Gahér: Prehľad literatúry k dejinám a pamiatkam západného Slovenska (‘Overview of Literature to the History and Monuments of Western Slovakia’). In: Historica 49, 2015, p. 77 – 84.

The journals with most impact:

  • Záhorie (journal of the region in the west od Low Carpathians).
  • Historika (journal of the Low-Carpathian-region between Bratislava and Smolenice).
  • Gemer-Malohont (annual studies from the region in the south of Middle-Slovakia, no web-information).

5. Main Reference Works on Urban History in Slovakia:

6. Bibliographies:

  • Bibliografia dejín Slovenska (Bibliography of Slovak History)
  • A Guide to Historiography in Slovakia, ed. by Elena Mannová and David P. Daniel, Bratislava 1995.
  • Survey about the last 100 years focussed on Medieval and Early Modern History of the Capital City Bratislava, see: Juraj Šedivý: Moderná a postmoderná koncepcia urbánnych dejín na príklade Bratislavy (‘Modern and Postmodern Concept of Urban History – Case Study Bratislava’). In: Jak psát dějiny velkých měst (‘How to write the History of big Cities’), ed. Radana Červená, Brno 2016, p. 51-72.

7. Preparing activities for a Historical Town Atlas – Slovakia:

  • Juraj Šedivý: Map Portals and Databasis of Towns in Central Europe. An Appendix or Substitution for printed Historical Town Atlases? In: Cittá e Storia 10, 2015, s. 261-280.